Create Gen


Food Photography

spoon with loaded meat and chillies on it
loaded fries with red chillies and a smash burger

Product Photography

Bookmark photography – Faisal The Artist. We photographed these bookmarks for Faisal The Artist as he launched his new bookmark bundle. The aim of these bookmarks is to bring memories of the pilgrimage and also be practical gifts. The idea behind the photoshoot was to photograph the bookmarks with associated books with the religion and to have a clear minimalist backdrop to enhance the bookmarks for the viewers.

hand of man holding vape in front of flowers

Product photography for Vapour 2. We organised and directed this photo shoot with the creatives at Vapour2 during the spring season as they needed a new selection of product photos for their social media channel. By spending time with them, we were able to locate different locations in Peterborough to create natural backdrops.

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